Byleth×Hilda Support Conversations
C Support
ヒルダ: せーんせ、こんなところで何ボーっとしてるんですかー?
Hilda: Hey, Professor! What are you doing, daydreaming in a place like this?
It’s lucky. As spacey as you are, you’re always reliable in a pinch.
Choice1: 別にボーっとしてない I wasn’t daydreaming.
ヒルダ: そうなんですかー?じゃー何か考えごとしてた、とか?
Hilda: Sure. Then what were you thinking about?
Choice2: ヒルダもボーっとしてる You were daydreaming too.
ヒルダ: そーんなこと、なくもないですけど。先生ほどじゃないと思いますよー?
ヒルダ: なーんか先生って、何を考えてるのかわからないとこがありますよねー。
表情が乏しいからかなー。ほら笑って笑って! こちょこちょこちょ!
Hilda: It’s hard to tell what’s going on in that skull of yours.
Your expression is always blank. Come on… Smile!
I was just playing around! Don’t get mad.
By the way, in the next battle, may I focus on logistical support… … off the battlefield?
There’s no use having a weakling like me in the middle of the action.
And it would bring down morale if I were killed.
Choice1: ヒルダは弱っちくない You’re not a weakling.
Hilda: Have you ever seen me, Professor? Look at these noodly little arms!
ヒルダ: え……先生の目は節穴?このか細い腕に何を期待してるんですか。
Choice2: ヒルダも活躍してほしい I want you in the action.
ヒルダ: その分、後ろからみんなを応援します!そしたら男子の士気も急上昇! でしょ?
Hilda: I should be cheering everyone on from the sidelines. It’ll certainly improve the boy’s morale, don’t you think?
Choice1: 何で本気を出さない? Why aren’t you taking this seriously?
ヒルダ: だからー、あたしは本気を出しても弱いんですってばー。
Hilda: Because even if I did, I would still be a wakling.
Choice2: 何で戦いたくない? Why don’t you want to fight?
ヒルダ: だからー、あたしが戦っても役に立たないんですってばー。
ヒルダ: あたし、身近にやたら強い人がいたから……あ、兄さんのことなんですけどね。
Hilda: My big brother is the type of person who’s supported to be on the battlefield. For me, it’s just a waste of energy. It’s pointless. Everyone’s cut out for something different. The right person for the right task, you know? Please, Professor? Keep me off the battlefield, and maybe I won’t tell everyone you were daydreaming.
B Support
ヒルダ: ねー先生。この修道院にいる人たちって真面目な人が多いですよねー。
Hilda: Hey, Professor! There are a lot of hardworking people here at the academy, huh?
ヒルダ: クロードくんも、あー見えて自分の仕事はこっそりきっちりやってるみたいだしー。
Hilda: Even Claude! He acts carefree, but secretly he’s so serious.
ヒルダ: みーんな、誰に言われなくても訓練に励んじゃってー。
いざ戦いになれば、命を懸けても仲間を守る! みたいな感じでしょー?
Hilda: Everyone focuses on training without even needing to be told. Maybe they think, “I must protect my friends, even if I have to risk my neck!”
Choice1: ヒルダが不真面目 You’re not diligent enough.
ヒルダ: そんなことないですよー。あたしが普通で、みんなが真面目すぎなんですって。
Hilda: What? I’m diligent! Everyone else is just… excessively diligent.
Choice2: ヒルダは仲間を守らない? You won’t protect your friends?
ヒルダ: そりゃ守れるなら守りますけどー。命を懸けてっていうのは、ちょっとー。
ヒルダ: あたしに言わせれば、命がけで戦うとか、意味わかんないですからー。
進んで苦労を背負うような生き方は、人生の無駄遣い! そう思いませんかー?
Hilda: I don’t understand why anyone would want to risk their life for some one else.
When you die, no matter how died, it’s over.
To me, it’s more important to enjoy life. We only live one, after all.
It’s a waste to spend all your time working and being responsible, right?
ヒルダ: まあ、先生やほかの人がどう考えよーと、あたしはあたしなんでー。
Choice1: No.
Hilda: Well, no matter what people may think, I’m going to keep being me.
Choice2: I’m not sure.
ヒルダ: 固いこと言わないで―、お・ね・が・い。
Hilda: So, in our next battle, I’ll support everyone from the sidelines! Aw, come on! Please? How about I do something for you, as a way of saying thanks? Oh, I know! I’ll let you join me for dinner in the city!
Hilda: Everyone would be jealous, you know. They’d all love to spend time with me.
ヒルダ: あたしたち美女二人で街に出れば、きっと誰かがご馳走してくれますよー。
ヒルダ: まあまあ、考えといてくださいねー。
Hilda: OK, OK! Just think on it.
A Support
ヒルダ: 先生、あたしを支援に回してくださいって、言いましたよねー? 何で戦場に……。
Hilda: Professor, I asked to be on the sidelines! Why'd you put me on the battlefield? You did protect me, so I guess I can't complain... Wait a second — you're hurt! Did that happen when you were defending me?
Choice 1: そうだったかも Yes.
ヒルダ: やっぱり……何でそんな無茶するんですかー。
Hilda: I thought so.
Choice 2: それは違う No.
ヒルダ: 違わないですよねー?何でそんな無茶するんですかー。
Hilda: You're lying.
ヒルダ: 仲間は助け合うものだ、とか言いたいのかもしれませんけどー。
Hilda: How could you be so reckless?! Perhaps you'll say that that's what friends do. They look out for each other, and save each other.
But if I saw you getting attacked, I wouldn't risk my neck to save you.
Byleth: きっと助けてくれる Yes, you would.
ヒルダ: ……変な期待されても困るんですってー。
Hilda: No! Don't overestimate me.
I don't know if I've told you this, Professor. I have a very impressive big brother.
I'm not just saying that. He's strong, smart, nice. He's basically perfect.
Before Claude turned up, people talked about him becoming the next leader of the Alliance.
ヒルダ: ……あ、今の話、ローレンツくんには内緒ですよ? この手の話にうるさいから。
Hilda: Don't mention that to Lorenz, by the way. He never shuts up about that kind of thing.
ヒルダ: で、当然、親は兄さんに期待するしー、兄さんもそれに応えようと頑張ってる。
Hilda: Anyway, my parents have high expectations for my brother, and he almost always meets them. No one expects anything of me. If something's even a little bit difficult, I find someone else to do it for me. That's what I've done my whole life.
Byleth: 期待されるのが怖い? Are you scared of disappointing people?
ヒルダ: まあ……期待に応えられなかった時のことを考えると、ゾッとしますし。
Hilda: Of course! I can't stand the idea of not meeting someone's expectations. I know how people react when that happens. From watching my brother, I mean. People force their expectations on you, and then if you fail they look so... disappointed. Whenever that happens to my poor brother, he looks just devastated. So don't expect anything of me, please. That way, I can't disappoint you!
Byleth: 期待しないけど、信じてる I won't expect anything, but I believe in you.
ヒルダ: はああ……頑固ですねー。わかりましたよ、勝手に信じててください。
Hilda: You're stubborn! OK, fine. Keep believing in me. I do want to support you and support my friends... I just don't want to let you down.
S Support
ヒルダ: せーんせ、こんなところで何ボーっとしてるんですかー?
Hilda: Hey, Professor! What are you doing, daydreaming in a place like this?
I was doing the same thing, but still!
I've been thinking, Professor... I worked hard to make it this far.
All I wanted was to enjoy life, but so much for that! I had to go and become diligent. And it's entirely your fault.
Byleth: 何で? It is?
ヒルダ: 先生が勝手にあたしのこと信じちゃうからですよー。
Hilda: Yes! You believed in me even when I told you not to!
When I failed, you encouraged me. You kept looking out for me.
Being treated like that, well... it made me want to try harder.
I've gone to such lengths for you, you know! Gah, what a pain.
Choice 1: よくやってくれた You've done well.
Choice 2: 感謝してる Thank you.
ヒルダ: ふふ、そう言ってくれるなら、まー許してあげますかー。
Hilda: Hah! Does that mean I'm off the hook now?
I guess it doesn't matter, because peace is here! No more hard work! Let's celebrate!
Byleth: そうはいかない Not so fast...
ヒルダ: えー、何でですかー?もう戦わなくていいのに……え?
Hilda: Aw, what? I thought the fighting was over.
ヒルダ: ……!? この指輪……って、つまり、そういうことですよね?
Hilda: Does this mean...what I think it means?
ヒルダ: あはは……。えーと……。
Hilda: Wow! I... If I accept, we'll be depending on each other for the rest of our lives. Your life's gonna be hard! You want to lay that burden on me too? Here I thought I was free as a bird again... Don't you think this is a bit much? You're doing it again. Overestimating me. And yet, I have no choice but to accept. It's all your fault again, this time for making me fall in love with you. I do have one condition, however. Don't go thinking you can keep expecting things from me! A girl's gotta draw a line in the sand somewhere. From now on, I'm only gonna do the things I want to do! So... Say, if I want to support you for the rest of our lives, I'll go ahead and do that. And I'll do the best I can. As for you, you had better keep taking care of me too. Got it?
ヒルダ: ふふ、では、謹んでお受けしてあげますか。
Hilda: Well then, now that all of that is settled... I happily accept! Thank you for watching over me, and believing in me. Let's keep doing that for each other for the rest of our lives!
Goddess Tower
ヒルダ: せーんせ!
お独りですよねー? まさか、誰かと待ち合わせもしてませんよねー?
Hilda: Professor!
You're not waiting for anyone, right?
ヒルダ: やっぱりねー。そうだと思ったんですよねー。
Hilda: Thought so! I bet you've never heard the legend about this tower then.
ヒルダ: 星辰の節、ここガルグ=マク大修道院で、盛大に舞踏会が催される夜……
Choice 1: I haven't...
Choice 2: What legend?
Hilda: Something special happens here during the Ethereal Moon, on the night of the ball. First, an unmarried boy and girl need to meet at the Goddess Tower and make a vow. Then, the goddess will grant them divine protection, and ensure that their vow comes true. Or so they say! It's a well-known story among the students.
A couple guys invited me up here, but...
Choice 1: 断った? You turned them down?
ヒルダ: そうなんですー。
Hilda: Yes, I did.
Choice 2: すっぽかされた? They stood you up?
ヒルダ: 違いますよ、断ったんですー。
Hilda: No! How rude. I turned them down.
ヒルダ: だって、誘いを受けちゃったら、将来を誓っちゃうことになっちゃうんですよー?
Hilda: If I accepted their invitations, then our vow would come true.
It's just a legend, sure...but I prefer to be cautious about such things.
One of the guys was pretty handsome, and he came from a good family...
But that doesn't really tell you what a person's like on the inside.
I want a life partner who's good-hearted and good-looking.
Hilda: Anyway, I went for a walk and happened upon you, and I thought...
"The professor's perfect. Why don't I just make a vow with him?"
ヒルダ: ……プッ! 冗談ですよ、冗談!
Hilda: Hah! I'm just kidding, Professor.
To be honest, I wanted to spy on you. See if you had someone else up here.
Although, if you did want to make a vow with me, I wouldn't object.
Need some time to consider?
Byleth: 一晩考えさせて Yes. Let's revisit this tomorrow morning.
ヒルダ: ちょっとちょっと、明日じゃ意味ないんですけどー!
Hilda: Hang on! It won't mean anything tomorrow!
Oh, I get it! Everyone's looking for you down there, girls included. You don't want to keep them waiting. You're pretty smooth, you know that?
Well, I'm off, then. I'll see you at the ball.
ヒルダ: 先生と一緒にいたとこ、女神様はちゃんと見てたかなあ……?
Hilda: Ah... Did the goddess hear that conversation?